In My View
Gerald Alan Brittell

Life on Earth?



   The Planet







Life on Earth?

As the Children of Man ponder the planet upon which they dwell, the consequences of past and present human choices unfold below the clouds. They have gifts yet to share, lessons yet to learn. What will the cycling of days and nights ahead bring? 

Ever more frequently and intently, reports all about us, as well our own direct experience of extreme events besets our homes and lives. Most everything we have grown used to and depend upon seems to be on shaking ground. Losing sight of the light and comfort of the sun, the forebodings from our scientists as well as our own faculties might well instill fear and gloom.  No doubt about it... the questions we ponder now are as momentous as they have ever been, even questions about continuation of life on the planet now being exposed to full and open question.

Some have discovered there are things more important even than bodily life on earth. Simultaneous with this recognition, comes realization of how it is life in/on the earth offers opportunities leading to this awakening, finding Life, and manifesting  it while still on earth, in a body. Even foretastes for a new Earth.  Fear, anxiety, and dread is not the only option from considering things straight-on, as they really are. Quite the contrary. As dark as things might appear, denial or paralysis, given the magnitude of what is before us, doing the best we can, following the light within step-by-step is always our choice. 

We can see now clearer what it is we have made that we do not want. We can apply and share what we do want. Perhaps in this  interactive blog, I can share my own views, and anyone else's that seem to me useful and productive towards this end: increase the chances for life surviving the culminating period ahead, when many of the things we have come to depend upon, are no longer extant upon the earth. 

Why would I say this? 

Over the years I have come to accept that a dream/vision I experienced over forty years ago was indeed a true depiction for me of what since, has occurred outwardly. Therefore, the things which I saw that have not yet occurred , given even increased cause, are also most likely to occur as well.  I do not expect, nor desire, that anyone else come to such conclusions except by their own discernments, guidance, and experience.  This dream of mine has set the backdrop every day for what I see occurring in my outer world. I have since had one eye open for alternative ways of providing survival needs when the present means of supply are no longer extant. I am certain many others might have had similar motive and have down-to-earth things as well as inspirations to share regarding such important issues. 

A Comments page is offered for discussion, as well as space on my web server for anyone with pertinent information and thoughts they wish to submit to this site. The site is intended to provide means for publishing articles or even multiple pages devoted to each menu topic shown here, and others also contributors might wish to add.  

Again, the goal? To help see that as much life as possible survives what is now coming down, here, upon the planet, world over. Just one of many ventures dedicated towards a rather large goal: The prevention of extinction of life on earth, allowing and providing sustainable ways for further growth and manifestation of LIFE on earth as it is in heaven. I see this is the calling for all of us who understand what is occurring, not just a singleNoah and his family, this time around, but 'Noahus'. It is not just a call for 'survival' for our ourselves or even our own immediate family, but 'serve I all'. In reality we are one, and who knows, I myself might have need for the continued opportunity to return.  

Facing straight-on these stark realities can indeed be a challenge, an inspiring, stimulating, purposeful and rewarding one. The good news is that there are yet countless things that need and can be done to influence, determine, and create the outcome we want.  

This question, "Will there still be life left on planet earth at the end of these culminating days?" is still open because it is not yet known whether
those of us who do understand what is occurring will choose to do what they know to do, and can do, to see that sufficient life remains. Without this, I am told, there will be none. Each of us have our own gifts and talents to freely offer, no matter what they be. From these alone will the results proceed, and be known. Not until this.

The dream emphasizes none of these apparently dire events should be taken as punishment, nor as predetermined, predestined or fated. They are nothing but the direct consequences of our own human choices and acts … all of us, together. 

Many are not yet ready to face what is occurring, understand how it came about, or accept responsibility for it. Let alone do what is required in these immediate days ahead to prevent extinction... not just for mankind, but as well, all the diverse forms of inter-dependent life on the planet.

By far, not everything beneficial under the sun has yet been tried. There are even new ways and social structures yet rising to awareness from out of our present situation, remedies, better ways of doing things. There still are immense reasons to get out of bed each morning while we still can, to do and share what we each have to give, no matter how 'large' or 'small' we might account our offerings, or how others account them. 

Life begets life, it sparks, conceives, leavens, expands, grows ... exponentially! We must  be careful now to not discount or underestimate any opportunities and possibilities as they unfold before us.  The Sun still shines for us. It is not yet over for human and other life on earth. Our small beginnings can catch hold. We can each express our two-sense worth, sharing what we have learned, our insight, talents and skills, our hopes and wishes for even a better beautiful world, inner and outer, and make it so.

... for we shall inherit the earth.

Gerald Brittell,

under construction, as of 5/01/2017   May Day!